Secure4Net Wireless
Tashilon's Secure4Net product family delivers AES encryption in a new, server-centric encryptions paradigm for the Internet and mobile networks, including intranets, e-commerce sites and e-banking sites, using PCs, cellular phones and PDAs. Secure4Net platform delivers vastly improved manageability, unique performance scalability and a rapid upgrade path that is unmatched in the industry.
Secure your mobile Internet applications with the superior new encryption standard, "Advanced Encryption Standard" (AES) TODAY with Secure4Net Wireless. This new standard was announced by the NIST, an agency of the U.S. federal government, in October 2000. AES requires minimal memory and CPU resources making it uniquely suited for mobile devices, and significantly enhances performance on servers and wireless device browsers.
Secure4Net Wireless is an end-to-end solution, incorporating Secure4Net's OpenSSL AES Extensions, AES Java Implementations for JavaPhone, RIM and Palm and AES implementations for a wide range of WAP phones to create the most comprehensive AES based solution for m-commerce.